Monday 31 October 2016

Press forward Saints

October 31, 2016

Hello again! Hope you all have had a great week. first let's start on the questions.

Sarah writes Q. "How many people have you taught?" A. Lots. Not as many as I would like, but lots. Q. Are you nervous about teaching? A. Sometimes. It depends on who it is and what we are teaching. I've always had great companions who always teach with me so it is not too bad. As I pray and have faith, I am always able to teach. Not always as well as I would like, but always well enough. That is so awesome to hear you will go on a mission! You will be a great missionary. Be ready for it to be hard, but amazing. Q. Do you ever get refused? A. All. The. Time. It's ok though. It just makes those that say yes all the more amazing. Q. So far, what is your happiest memory? A. It would be a tie between finally arriving here in the Nevada Reno Mission, the best mission on earth, or getting to meet and teach Brenda. She is just so amazing. Love you Sarah!

Maggie writes Q. How is your mission going? A. Amazing. It is definitely shaping me for the rest of my life. Q. Has there been anybody who does not want to learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus? A. Sadly, yes, but we should all want to always be learning more. Don't worry, there are people that do. Love you Maggie!

Ok everyone, this is what is going on. This is again a hard situation. I have been having bike problems. If it isn't a flat tire, it is my breaks needing to be adjusted, or my ulock not staying on properly, or my handlebars coming loose. It has been fun. The problems seem to be stopping now though. It's all good.

Neat miracle. Last Monday we went to Panda Express because it is near our house. AMAZING prices. The neat thing is though for the first time on my mission, when we got to the till, someone was there and said he would pay for us! It was so cool and nice. Things like that help you know you are doing it right!

We got to go to the temple this week! It was so amazing. I love the temple and missed it so much. Go mom and dad on your once a month goal! Let's make it the whole mission!

Well these last 2 weeks have been rough. No one seems interested right now. This has been the first week of my mission that we have not had a lesson with an investigator. We have tried everything. We went tracting Sunday and I decided where we would go by the Spirit. Turns out it was where we needed to go to show our dedication, not to find someone who is ready. This is a good time to show my willingness to serve. Sometimes, we have to show our faith that this gospel is worth anything. Even endlessly talking to people who aren't interested when all your lessons for the day fall through. I look forward to proving my willingness so later Heavenly Father can bless me with amazing blessings.

Love you all. Keep having great faith. This gospel is true and worth it.

Elder Kynan Sorochan

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