Ok everyone saddle up we had a great week this past here 7 days. First off cool thing happened this morning. Got to see a Model X Tesla! This lady parked almost right beside us at Walmart and we obviously noticed it was a Tesla. Her door handles were really funny so I asked how they worked. She said they just push in and to try it. I did and it is like a button! You press it and the door just opens. The coolest part though was it opened upwards not side-ways like normal and the radio station that turned on as the car did when the door opened just happened to be playing the Star Wars theme song! I almost peed my paints with excitement it was so cool!
Alright this week was awesome! First Tuesday we met with Doug and Lundy again. We brought Brother Macintosh and a former Temple President in our ward Brother Tsukamoto. We knew he was a convert but it turned out that he had been in the same religion that Doug had been growing up, Presbyterian. They talked about it for maybe 30-40 minutes just Brother Tsukamoto telling his story. It was long but really really good. He wasn't able to make it to church this last Sunday but when we texted him saying we missed him he texted us saying that next week is the official start of them coming to church and they would elaborate more on Tuesday during our next lesson!
Wednesday we finally got to meet with Kevin and Teeara again. It was a really powerful lesson. We brought the Mundts with us. It was a really cool miracle because Sister Mundt is someone we wanted to bring for Teeara and at first she couldn't find a baby sitter but last minute she could and could come! The Mundts hit it off with them and we taught a powerful lesson on Obedience and CPR (Church pray read)
Thursday I had a less active fix my bike for free! It has had very little maintenance over the past year so it was pretty beat up. He fixed it up and said we could come read the Book of Mormon with him so double score! We also got to have dinner with the Non-member family we helped move in a few weeks ago. We shared 2 Nephi 25:26 as a spiritual thought and both Mom and Dad accepted Book of Mormons and said they would check them out! It was so cool. We after had a visit with a less active man who has a crazy story about why he went less active. Won't go into details but he was very open and respectful and it was one of the most legitimate stories I've heard about going less active. He was just super cool about everything made life so easy I wish all less actives were that open about everything.
Friday we had interviews which were really powerful. President Chesnut is so good at what he does. I compare what he does to a puzzle. I have all the pieces and I know what the picture looks like, but he shows me through the Spirit how to put the pieces together. He helps make it clear because he is so good at bringing and following the Spirit. I am so grateful he is my mission President.
I am out of time but for next week I will have an amazing miracle to tell y'all about so stayed tuned. Love y'all!
Hello Everyone! This has been a good week. Firstly this week I had a little bit of a heart attack. This last week we got to have a zone conference, and I was called on to play the piano. (I had a nice short break in Elko. Sister Thomsen could play any hymn on command so she got the gig) however I was very happy to play again! I was informed about a week in advance that I would be playing hymns 26 and 27. I thought, Awesome! I know both of these. I can do this! I don't practice much since I knew them and I was pretty confident in playing time. Now at the conference I sat down and started playing the prelude music. Elder Miner, who was conducting, got up and began the meeting. He welcomed everyone and announced the opening song. The only problem was, it wasn't hymn 26 Joseph Smith's First Prayer as I had been told. Instead he annouced Hymn 19, We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet. I momentarily freaked out, but then it was all ok because fortunately of the few songs I know that happened to be one of them, but the thought of what if it wasn't came to mind. Fortunately, God takes care of those details so yeah. It was cool.
Last Monday when we were heading to dinner we got stuck. Turns out Carrolla's don't go through durt roads with a lot of sand very well. :D I've attatched a picture.
We got to have a super awesome lesson with Doug and his wife Lundy this week. We brought Brother McDoniels who is the high councilor over missionary work. He is also a convert. That greatly impacted Doug to hear his story. Doug is having a hard time believing that there is one true church. Brother McDoniels emphasized the Priesthood and Doug took interest in that. We were talking to him about what he knows is true, and he believes that Joseph Smith being a prophet and the Book of Mormon could be true, so we are getting there, but we aren't the whole way there yet. He wants to keep going because he is feeling this is right and wants to keep going. He is progressing which is awesome!
Zone Conference was awesome! It was on the Book of Mormon. It was so neat to see a video from the New Mission Presidents Seminar. Elder Christofferson talked to us about how the Book of Mormon is the greatest tool the Lord has given us for sharing the gospel in this dispensation. It is the sickle described in D&C 4 he said. Fun! The most powerful part was the testimonies at the end. President starts by picking 4 people to give a talk on a subject, this time the Book of Mormon, every zone conference. He goes by inspiration at the conference. I'm so glad he does they were so powerful!
Got to go on an exchange with Elder Bond it was so awesome! Will have a pic of him next week. Got caught up with school stuff so I will close with I know the Book of Mormon is true! It is such a powerful book you all need to read it! Read it everyday it answers the questions of the soul and provides instruction for everything because if it doesn't say it, the Spirit will and there are few better ways to get the Spirit than to read the Book of Mormon. I read it everyday in some way shape or form. Sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, but regardless I read it! Y'all are awesome. Let me know if y'all ever have any questions. Love ya! Love you Mom Dad and Anna!
Hello everyone! Ok so the funny thing today is, this week we went through our area books like crazy (we finally got around to that. Not knowing what you are doing really makes things go a lot slower. Plus my mission seems to be speeding up. I think something will take so long and then it takes double. Time just goes faster that's what I'm blaming it on.) One of the records has a really funny sticky note on it. We cover a really big ward that goes on forever. After a certain point no one lives in the area but we cover it! One of the people who has a teaching record however does live in the boonies of the area. Apparently they live so far away that it inspired some missionaries to write this message "They live 30 minutes from here God Bless". I don't know if it's the missionaries that originally taught them that should be blessed, or us who would try to teach in the future, or the people themselves, but I found it funny.
Ok this week I got to go on exchanges with Elder Schow! For those of you who can remember he was my first exchange! It was fun to go into my area with him. He is now my Zone Leader which is crazy! It was such a fun exchange. We had a lady in her car stop us and talk to us, and we had a lesson with our investigator Doug. It was so neat. The lesson was all over the place and we weren't really able to do much teaching. He and his wife kept going on tangents and weird questions. Near the end of the lesson I was testifying of prayer and someone knocked on the door (or rang the doorbell can't remember what). I thought, "who in the world is knocking at 8:30 at night! Now a little background, during the lesson Doug and his wife Lundy talked about how they wanted fellowshippers and a home teacher. The home teacher might have been at a different appointment, but oh well. We told them we would bring someone next time, the reason we didn't have someone now being I don't know anyone really. Well as it so happened, the high priest group leader was the one knocking. He had just finished home teaching someone across the street and said he was going to be their new home teacher! He also ended up giving both them a blessing for health right there in those few minutes we were still there. It was so cool how the Lord provided someone for us right there when we didn't yet have the resources to provide it ourselves! We have also found a convert to take with us to the next lesson because Doug wants to talk to a convert!
We finally got through all our records. I have a testimony that keeping good records is so helpful and not keeping good records makes more work for future missionaries. TAKE GOOD RECORDS IT HELPS A TON! Most of the most recent updates are from march...
For those of you who remember Hunter, my mini missionary from the last time I was in Sparks, I had the privilege of seeing him open his mission call this Sunday evening. It was so neat to come back and see him now at this point. He is going to Orlando Florida English Speaking!
Conference was amazing. The whole day of Saturday was for me. These men and women are truly inspired. I loved how the emphasis of Humility and serving those immediately around you was so well repeated. I am striving to adopt those qualities in me even more. I need them. I want to leave my testimony to that which was said about Jesus Christ and the power of His Atonement. He is the source of peace, joy and comfort. Through Him we are not only forgiven of our sins but we are changed to become better. Look to Him and follow Him. That is how we become more like Him. Learn of the Savior and do as He did. Bye! Love y'all!
Elder Sorochan
Treats for Priesthood Session of General Conference!