Alright everyone I don't know what to write home about today so I will just talk about how cool Elder Lee is. He is so cool. Just so much. This manies.: |----------------------------------------| But honestly he is awesome! He is just getting so much better at missionary work. For the first few weeks together he would never talk to people as we went along but now he just comes in with me and can take the lead in talking to people. HE IS AWESOME!!!! And really funny too. We have come up with some Star Wars jokes. Ready, what is Yoda's favorite sport? FOURCE square! What is yoda's favorite dessert? Chocolate chip Wookies! Ok I'll stop before y'all get really mad but yeah! Awesome!
Ok Birthdays! First off happy birthday to Megan today! Happy Birthday as well to: Jenn on August 20th, Matthew on May 4th, Benjamin on September 13th, Laura on March 17, Matea on April 12, McKay on January 1st, Paula on May 5th, Colin on June 16, Nathan on May 14th, Spencer on January 1st, Keri on August 14th, Joseph on January 29, Sarah on May 24, and last but certainly not least, Simon on May 2!
Ok this week we had a really funny dinner where some members told me after my mission to send me my wedding invite. I am not going home that soon people! Ok this week was super uneventful I can't believe it but I will tell you about this neat minor experience Elder Lee and I had together. There was this one little short street that is really more of a long set of houses (I would a different word to describe it but I can't figure out how to spell it and spell check isn't working) We walked down it and we passed by a lady on her phone. We said hi and she looked up, said hi back, and looked back down at her phone. Normally that means someone doesn't want to talk to us so we walked away. After doing so though I felt like we should go back and talk to her. I asked Elder Lee if he thought we should and he said he felt the same prompting. We went back and had a really good conversation. She has talked with missionaries before and she was very nice. Not interested yet but she accepted a pass along card and said she would have her husband call us if he needed help with house and yard projects. Here's hoping!
I got a package this week! It was super good. LOTS OF COOKIES!!!!!!!!!
Well my thought for you is brief but is this for this week! It comes from Elder Holland and is one of my favorite quotes! "Don't you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be all right in the end. Trust in God and believe in good things to come." This principle brings joy to those who apply it. I know this is true because I am living it right now. Love you all!
Elder Sorochan
Steak dinner at the marching band fundraiser
Manning the missionary booth
Chillin' with Sister Price during a rain storm
Zone Conference
On Exchanges with Elder Hadley
My family loves me!
Zone Conference
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